Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Freemen on the Land Movement in Antarctica free essay sample

The freeman-on-the-land movement is causing unease among the tax paying public and wastage of paper in the form of numerous memorandums within the legal community. As the official policy has been to ignore this growing movement of forward thinking individuals, it has only made things worse. Adjourning court sessions and labelling litigants as vexatious has not been as effective as assumed. As to the official count, there are literally dozens of these Nu Cowboys, and their mantra is an extremely attractive one: Its not fair. Its not fair that the government does things without asking me first. Its not fair that democracy is broken. Its not fair that I have to pay taxes for the things I use everyday. Your bank policies are unfair. Your insurance is a bunch of jibber-jabber malarky. I dont vote because it doesnt make things better. Listen to me! Im important! Before this movement, everyone always paid their taxes and always voted. However, now that it has become fashionable to disown ones nationality and citizenship based on a current governments regrettable policies, some people are beginning to re-think these norms. Soon it will surely spread to the collective unconscious, and we need a solution. We need a new start. An empty void which we can fill with these spores of dissidence, and as a result, grow a new, more efficient cultural model. A white, empty, fresh piece of land with no government and where the chance to begin anew is unlimited. The clear and obvious venue is, of course, Antarctica. For its relative size, Antarctica is truly underpopulated. The current population is a liquid mix of egg-headed scientists and researchers, who have been forced to live under penguin law since the beginning of Antarctic exploration [citation needed]. The freemen, who appear to have political answers abound, would be the ideal answer to this equation (so much land, not enough people). Most freemen also are total panty slayers and have upwards of three girlfriends apiece. Even after the weak wombed were weeded out (1), there would still be enough breeding pairs to populate the continent over the course of a few generations. One of the major tenements of the freeman ethos is the libertarian notion of small government. This can range from ad-hoc democracy with a rotating monthly figurehead, decided by voting on the second week of the month as to give the incumbent time to prepare for their term wherein they can only pass decisions ratified by no less than sixty percent of voting citizens of all ages who have passed a voting licensing test which enables them to be politically and socially aware (2), to absolutely no government whatsoever, which equates to smoking a cigarette one finds on the ground, and then proceeding to spit in the gaping mouth of tens of thousands of years of history. Antarctica is a political tabula rasa. These good and free men can decide for themselves, a desire they have made grossly apparent, what is best for them. Whether it be a tax-less paradise or a hardened social structure of communal good will, Antarctica is the ideal testing ground for any new governing style, which according to Internet comment boards, we as a planet are in desperate need of help (3). For the rest of North America (4), moving the freeman political elite would purge our tax base of freeloaders and service thieves. Not only that, but our Zeitgeist would not be affected by the loudening voice of this movement. Again, everybody wins. They get their paradise; we get our status quo. The natural culture of The South Pole is also a good fit for the freeman movement. Since Antarctica is a glacial shelf, what is actually going on in terms of its history has been the source of speculative anthropology for decades. Theories about buried ancient pyramids, alien space ships, the Kennedy assassinations and the truth behind 9/11 have all been linked to what lies beneath the kilometre thick ice sheets. It takes only a cursory Google search to see that many freemen follow the same version of history that was portrayed in the critically acclaimed 2004 film AVP: Alien Vs. Predator (5). Future generations of freeman archeologists, after laboriously chipping through all that ice, will surely find the truth behind these claims, forever changing the way we understand our planets history. Another issue that is dividing the freeman movement, and arguably society at large, is global warming. Every so often, we are privy to hear about a part of Antarctica the size of a midsize American state breaking free. There is still some debate as to whether this is normal in the way that increasing freak weather occurrences are normal. The freemen can help us solve this quandary by investigative research. Most freemen are very highly educated, it seems, and they would be in a unique position to confirm if global warming is real real, or real as in it is a real false flag that is being used to aide the Illuminati in widening the income gap before they leave for space (6). As with all political movements, dear reader has already began to engage the mental engine which ultimately leads to, Great idea in theory, but not feasible, ala the classic argument against implemented against twentieth century communism. Obviously, humble writer has not thought out the logistics of this lofty endeavour. That, friend, is a gross misstep. There is no Antarctic infrastructure, and the Freemen are still cranky about all those taxes they paid before they went rogue. If a freeman agrees to go to Antarctica, we give them a portion those taxes back. Of course, not in a monetary form. Get real, that wont help them where they are going. No, we give it to them in the form of usable materials. Ontario likely has a surplus of cheap wind turbines and solar panels from the green power debacle (7). With a 24-hours-of-daylight solstice, and near-constant 100 km/h wind speeds, there is no shortage of potential energy in Antarctica. Of course, energy is only one of the resource materials that our government could give back to emigrating freemen instead of money. Extra medical equipment, surplus construction materials and lots of hearty, eager immigrant labourers are all things that recent government initiatives have created in our country. One thing that I have not thought out is of course the details, but the idea is there, and it is excellent. 2. Problem There is no economy in Antarctica. Are you even reading this essay, or are you trying to look smart by reading in a coffee shop with the pathetic hope of going home with that exotic looking barista? See the above paragraphs re: information economy. Specs on global warming and our planets history can be sold to high paying governmental interest groups. Either to be silenced, or published to further any cause; there are many political action committees willing to buy what the freemen will undoubtedly discover. That economy is the sustainable long term economy, but there are burgeoning economies can be harnessed in Antarctica right now. For one, krill pills are inexplicably being promoted by health-food companies. There are lots of krill in Antarctica. Similarily, it only takes a little creativity to market seal/ walrus meat to the masses. Sustainable hunting of all the miserable animals that inhabit this continent (authoritarian Emperor Penguins included) can again create a livelihood for the freemen (tax-free of course). 3. Problem What guarantee do we have that they will stay in Antarctica? Though these well meaning and forward thinking individuals will be missed by everyone, it warms the heart to know that they will be somewhere changing the way that we think about socio-political structures. 1. Strangely, there have been no cases of would be freewomen on the land. Anne Coulter is really the closest you are going to get. This does not mean that they do not exist in this movement. There is a certain ilk of women who are attracted to freemen, and who could blame them. Harking to the idea of the Ubermensch (Nitzchien Supermen), freemen must emit heightened levels of alpha male pheromones. Once in Antarctica, this chemical attraction experienced by females will lessen due to sheer concentration of self-assured manliness. Once they wake from their testosterone trance, many of these women will wander back to society, leaving only the true believers in the perma-frozen paradise. Further explain nonsense socialism 3. This is meant in two ways: A Internet comment boards in their generally explicit content demand political change, for example, Obamacare and his dems are going to kill us all with social healthcare, just like Canada and Europe. B Inferred content from the vitriol of the messages that make it appear that people treat comment boards as a dumping ground for everything evil they are forced to hold within themselves by PC society as a whole. We should not fear the level of lunacy that is clearly waiting within the pursed lips of the stranger sitting next to us. The fact that we have kept them in check this long is testament to our resolve. But still, we should send these people to Antarctica, or likewise, deport the people who are making them feel this way to Antarctica. 4. North America is for some reason the hotbed of freemanism. Chalk this up to our can-do spirit, or perhaps the rest of the worlds lack of revolutionary gall, but it has started here, and by golly, it will finish here. 5. Many purists will tell you that The Thing (1982) was the obvious choice for this reference. I assure you that in the near future, The Thing will fall out of favour within the film canon, just the way Bergman hadalso fallen out in favour in academic circles until recently. Prometheus (2012), which is by proxy (spoiler alert) part of the same franchise as AVP, was much more highly acclaimed than the The Thing(1982) prequel The Thing(2011). This leaves one franchise to continue to grow and influence future generations, while the other will surely stagnate and not make anymore money for anyone, Norwegian or American. 6. Elysium (2013), starring Matt Damon and Jodi Foster 7. Green power stats

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